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All Glory is attributed to GOD 所有的榮耀屬於神!
All merits are shared by Sunshine Action supporters and volunteers

All happiness are given to the people we served around the World.

I remain being the humble servant for your all... Sunny Mak - Sunshine Action founder




American Chamber of Commerce 美國商會- 

Ira Dan Kaye Award 2014

The Ira Dan Kaye Community Service Award

Introduced in 1986, this annual award recognizes the services of individuals who have performed outstanding service to the Hong Kong community on a voluntary basis. Recipients of the award receive a check for HK$30,000 for a charity of his/her choice and an engraved silver plate. The award was renamed the Ira Dan Kaye Community Service Award to pay special tribute to our past chairman who passed away on June 6, 1999.

AmCham Charitable Foundation is the philanthropic division of AmCham contributing to the community leveraging from its influence within the international business community in Hong Kong and in the region. Founded in 1985, the Foundation is governed by a Board of Trustees composed of Past Chairmen of AmCham resident in Hong Kong.

Fore more info: http://www.amcham.org.hk/images/magazine/oct14/#40-41

HK Humanity Award 2013
香港人道年獎 2013


由香港紅十字會及香港電台合辦的「香港人道年獎」是本港首個倡導人道精神的獎項。「香港人道年獎」於2007年設立,是為表揚社會上發揮人道精神的人士,亦期望透過這項盛事,增進社會對人道精神和人道行為的了解。過去五屆「香港人道年獎」共選出 31 位得獎者,他們都是身體力行,實踐人與人之間完全出於善意和自願的關懷,為社會大眾建立典範。

The Hong Kong Humanity Award is co-organized by the Hong Kong Red Cross and Radio Television Hong Kong. The Award, initially incepted in 2007, is the very first award of its kind in Hong Kong aims to give tribute to those live up to and put into practice the spirit of humanity, thus enhances the public awareness towards humanity through their role modeling.

The 31 recipients of the previous five annual Awards have served as a paragon demonstrating how people can care about others out of pure volunteerism and disseminating the spirit of humanity to different sectors in our community.





 勿以善小而不為 - 本屆「香港人道年獎」得主之一麥耀陽 Sunny Mak,就係唔計較服務既大小輕重,只知持續熱心地去行,於是吸引身邊嘅人同佢一齊坐言起行,令更多有需要既人受惠。究竟人生嘅意義係咪只有金錢呢? 人係身處低谷嘅時候又可以點樣揾到出路呢? 麥生將為我地一一分享佢嘅睇法。

今日繼續「RoadShow開講」嘅「勿以善小而不為 (第二節)」。再請黎麥耀陽 Sunny Mak 分享佢係「耀陽行動」中嘅理念,以及幫助別人的喜悅。http://www.roadshow.hk/rs-tv/rstv-society/item/12569.html

勿以善小而不為(第三節)」中,麥耀陽 Sunny MAK 分享與志同道合嘅香港人一齊本著服務嘅心,從本地走向世界,又以自身經驗鼓勵年青人勇於踏出第一步。究竟人生嘅一片新天地可以點樣開拓出嚟呢?

一齊click 入以下訪問內容,睇下SUNNY MAK 同我地正面而積極嘅分享。

ATV 亞洲電視 2013 感動香港人物 - 麥耀陽 Sunny Mak

 is representing SUNSHINE ACTION 耀陽行動 as one of the 30 candidates..


ATV 亞洲電視“良心糸列”之「ATV 感動香港年度人物評選」,於2013年連續舉行4屆,廣泛地得到社會各界人士鼎力支持,其認受性更獲普羅觀眾一致推崇

  今年ATV 2013感動香港年度人物評選之大型頒獎典禮,繼續以恢弘大氣的舞台設計及燈光,把一幕幕震撼人心的故事再度重現屏幕,弘揚感動精神,讓觀眾,甚至全港市民再一次注滿香港 - 我們的家園 - 獨有的精神力量。


MAR 2011  義行多國度 - 愛在不離不棄間 : http://programme.rthk.org.hk/rthk/tv/player_popup.php?pid=4985&eid=134810&d=2011-03-26&player=media&type=archive&channel=tv


The American Women's Association (AWA) of Hong Kong was founded in 1956 as a non-profit, charitable organization. As a volunteer organization of international women we support Hong Kong charities and schools through community service and monetary grants, while also providing educational and social activities for our members.

On average, the AWA provides approximately $1 million annually to Hong Kong charities and educational institutions to support programs and services that benefit children, the elderly, handicapped, women and families, community activities and students. These monetary grants are made possible by our members' dedication and hard work in organizing several fundraising events throughout the year.

Sharing section in BLOOMBERG 彭博 headquarter about CHARITY EXPERIENCE!!!


Promoting about SUNSHINE ACTION - Sponsorship on Congenital Heart Disease Children Surgery

In BLOOMBERG APAC Headquarter, with CEO Mr. Peter Grauer and co-host Mia Saini


e-mail: sunshine@sunshine-action.org / Tel: 852-6888 4028

 The Faith & Commitment.不離不棄不捨的誓言 to serve the poorest, the unwanted, the sick, the hungry, the wounded, the unloved, the thirsty, the homeless...

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