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扶助貧困、滋潤心靈 & 地球‏」



年前,也就是在2008年元旦。三位謙卑的義工成立了"Sunshine Action 耀陽行動",在成立初期,他們雖然舉步艱巨,一無所有,但卻擁有著一顆為慈善盡力的心,為世界做少少事。
100名清潔工人送上每人一包的5kg白米,這些工人生存在社會的底層,所賺取的微薄工資僅能為家庭維持生計……他們開始向身邊的朋友籌款,這是艱難的一步,不僅因爲那時 “Sunshine Action 耀陽行動” 鮮爲市民知曉,而且香港也面臨著金融海嘯,雷曼兄弟破產,經濟環境蕭條。

而今...,已經有超過10,000名義工曾經參與Sunshine Action耀陽行動的項目,而且我們義工的足跡和溫暖也遍佈在全球15個不同國家或地區:

122'200個,估計受惠人數達到193'000人。此外,我們為數千名病患者提供醫療服務,並已成功地為60 位患上先天性心臟病的兒童完成手術

years ago, on 1 JAN 2008... 3 humble & poor volunteers founded "耀陽行動 Sunshine Action" from absolutely zero, but with a mission & genuine heart to do something for the humanity.
The founder used his own salary to purchase 100 packs of white rice of 5 kg and then bring to 100 female cleaning workers in HONG KONG; which the salary (HK$4,000-4,500/month) weren't enough to sustain their family.... then started begging food & donation everywhere. It was extremely hard then, because nobody knew about SUNSHINE ACTION☀ and it was the year of Asia Financial Crisis〽 and Lehman Bros. bankrupt...

☀ Please see what they have done in these 10 years:

Nowaday, more than 10'000 volunteers have participated in SUNSHINE ACTION events and programs reached 15 countries/territories....estimated helped over 193,000 people directly.
On every 1st JAN of future years, We would like to celebrate our anniversary with something special and invite you to join us to do a charitable deed on the first day of the Year: SUNSHINE ACTION DAY


Hace años, el 1 Enero 2008 ... 3 voluntarios humildes y pobres fundaron "耀 陽 行動 Sunshine Acción" absolutamente de cero, pero con una misión y el corazón real de hacer algo por la humanidad.
El fundador utilizó su propio salario para comprar 100 paquetes de arroz blanco de 5 kg y luego regarlarlos a 100 trabajadores femeninas de limpieza en Hong Kong; cuyo sueldo (HK $ 4,000-4,500/mes) no fueron suficientes para sostener su familia .... el entonces empezó a rogar por alimentos y donaciónes por todas formas posibles. Fue muy duro para entonces, porque nadie conosía sobre ☀SUNSHIE ACTION☀ y fue el año de Crisis financiera en Asia 〽 y  la bancarrota de Lehman Bros. ...

☀ Por favor, ver lo que han hecho en estos 10 años:

Hoy en dia, más de 10,000 voluntarios han participado en eventos y programas de  "耀 陽 行動 Sunshine Acción llegando a 14 países / territorios ....con el estimado de haber ayudado a más de 193,000 personas directamente.
Por cada 1-ENERO de los próximos años, nos gustaría celebrar nuestro aniversario con algo especial y le invitamos a unirse a nosotros para hacer una obra de caridad en el primer día del año:
Día de Sunshine Acción


SUNSHINE ACTION 耀陽行動 is created with the following mission:

"I was hungry and you gave me food, I was a stranger and you welcomed me,

I was naked and you gave me clothing, I was sick and you took care of me,

I was in the dark and you gave me SUNSHINE"

 "SUNSHINE 耀陽" means the warm friendly Sunshine to any area needed~ wishing to cover all dark corners on the Earth.

"ACTION 行動"means the REAL ACTION in volunteering, caring & contributing

We believe every person has the right to enjoy happiness regardless of the race, religion, gender; we are hoping to reduce the suffering in the poorest areas in different channels through direct support.

Non-Political, Non-Religious & Non-Frontier


We have not limitations on the type of final cases we need to cover, with the main priority as low-income or poor families, covering from street children, elderly, single parents, HIV/AIDS patients, Cancer patients, Leprosy patients, and many others severely sick patients; homeless and street sleepers, widows, jobless, mentally & physically handicapped, and many more...

Sunshine Action aims to help the poorest areas of in its target area through 2 major channels:

Material Support: 100% donations after deducting statutory fees are used on beneficiaries or programs providing rice, packed food, medicines and daily products to the needy families/cases.

Humble Volunteering: we encourage our volunteers to also assist in their communities to assist others in physical activities including packing the material collected, home visiting and serving other needier patients. We also encourage overseas volunteering tours to assist other countries.


852-6888 4028sunshine@sunshine-action.org




HONG KONG Humanity Award 2013

All Glory is attributed to GOD 所有的榮耀屬於神!
All merits are shared by Sunshine Action supporters and volunteers

All happiness are given to the people we served around the World.

852-6888 4028sunshine@sunshine-action.org



我們的援助對象不分宗教、種族、年齡及性別之弱勢社羣無論他們是孤兒, 籠屋板房居民、失業人士、貧窮老人、露宿者、精神病康復者、新移民家庭、身體患上嚴重殘疾的人士、末期癌症病人、財政困難的人士、愛滋病患者、低收入家庭或是因長期面對生活困境而導致心靈上受創的人士,我們都會施予不同的實際行動

耀陽行動 著重於不單能夠送上實質的物資予受惠對象,同時還透過我們親身的援助行動,使受助人生活於困苦和疾病之中仍堅信世間的「愛」及生存價值,從而令他們日後的生活,活得更有尊嚴和盡快脫離無助的環境。 耀陽行動堅信只有實際的行動和付出,才可給予有需要的人最真摯的關懷。我們都只有同一個目標,就是以真愛給予每天默默等待我們幫助的人。

香港政府認可豁免稅項的慈善機構 IRD- 91/10271

" 耀陽行動" 無政府資助,有賴企業機構和善長仁翁的捐助、團體及個別義工的親身參與和支持


A humanitarian organization based in Hong Kong, SUNSHINE ACTION dedicated to serving the poorest and the sick people in Hong Kong & around the World.

Sunshine Action is founded by 3 core-members on 01-JAN-2008. All serve as part-time volunteers. Set the commitment of 100% operated by volunteers & 100% donations after deducting statutory fees are used on beneficiaries or programs.

In the first year of establishment, Sunshine Action covered more than 30 organizations in Hong Kong and 3 countries: Thailand, Vietnam & Philippines.

In 2011, Sunshine Action started few medical programs, including FREE MEDICINES for the poorest of the poor in Hong Kong, Vietnam, India, etc... Also, planted more than 120'000 trees in 6 countries.

By 2017, Sunshine Action reached cooperation with 326 organizations around the World. Sunshine Action volunteer team also visited 14 countries, including China, Cambodia, Mongolia, Macau, India, Sri Lanka, Vietnam, Nepal, Indonesia, Kenya, Thailand, etc...

The Faith & Commitment 不離不棄不捨的誓言 to serve the poorest, the unwanted, the sick, the hungry, the wounded, the unloved, the thirsty, the homeless...

852-6888 4028sunshine@sunshine-action.org

Sunshine Action Ltd is only based in Hong Kong & This is the only official Website.

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