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School Programs

Sunshine Action has started communication or cooperation with the following 26 international schools in HONG KONG 已經開始與香港以下26 國際學校進行溝通或合作:

          plus the University of Hong Kong: 

These includes students asking about poverty, world’s issues and programs coordinated by Sunshine Action; participating in the CAS Fairs, exhibitions & presentations; up to the Action events such as distributing food to the street-sleepers, the monthly food packing for our long-term cases, the biggest event of packing few thousands ‘Sunshine Fortune Bags” for the poor families in Hong Kong, etc…

-American International School 美國國際學校

-Australian International School 香港澳洲國際學校

-Beacon Hill School 畢架山小學 ESF

-Bradbury School 白普理小學 ESF

-Canadian International School 香港加拿大國際學校

-Discovery College 智新書院 ESF

-- Hong Kong French Int’l School 香港法國國際學校

- Hong Kong Int’l School 香港國際學校

- Hong Kong Island School 港島中學

- German Swiss International School

- Glenealy Primary School 己連拿小學

- Kennedy School 堅尼地小學

-International Christian School 基督教國際學校
-International College Hong Kong ICHK 國際學校

-  International Montessori School 蒙特梭利國際學校

- Kellet International School 啟歷學校 BIS

- West Island School 西島中學

- - Kowloon Junior School 九龍小學

- - King George V School 英皇佐治五世學校

- Marymount Secondary School 瑪利曼中學

- Peak School 山頂小學

- Renaissance College 啟新書院 ESF

- -St Paul's Co-Educational College 聖保羅男女中學

- -  Shatin College 沙田學院

- South Island School 南島中學

-- Victory Shanghai College 滬江維多利亞學校

- The University of Hong Kong – Master Degree Students Internship Program 香港大學 - 碩士學位實習計劃。 

+852 68884028sunshine@sunshine-action.org

Hong Kong University Master Degree Students Internship Program

FEB 2017 - Three students from HKU master degree in Public Health will work with Sunshine Action for few months.  

 學生活動感想:  今天上午我們去了打鼓領,實地調研老年組織(TA KU LING KEI LOK COMMUNITY ASSOCIATION)。上午我們一起去田園擇菜,感受田園生活與樂趣。然後一起去了當地的廟堂,燒香拜佛,祈求平安/順利。中午,當地的老年組織給我們準備了豐富的午餐,我們一起吃飯聊天。下午,我們開始給需要關愛和幫助的60位老年人派發食物袋,並登記了他們的基本信息和需求,以便日後派發作出相應調整。

 學生感想 : 這一天,我們一直在行走,但不覺得疲憊,因為心靈一直被觸動。這場活動,讓我近距離了解了老年人生活的現狀及他們的需求,不僅增長了我的知識,也豐富了我的心靈世界,讓我更加全面地了解社會及社會存在的問題,感觸很深,是一份寶貴的經歷。

SUNSHINE ACTION famous lunch is both healthy & super delicious. 

SUNSHINE ACTION doesn't focus on theory, reports or analysis - We focus on practical experience,  realistic outreaches, effective strategies, global expansion and you could learn more than you could imagine. 


 學生感想 : 我從一開始就非常期待這一次實習, 期待與之前完全不一樣的實習經驗。我曾不止一次地問過sunnysunshineaction的創辦人。作為一個只有一名員工的可能是世界上最小的公益組織,為何能夠做到如此多的事情的時候,sunny只是默默的笑了笑。我們在一次次的活動中了解到sunny對於公益組織和公益活動的獨到理解,并有機會了解到sunshineaction為何能有如此大影響力的原因,原來所有的秘密就是數十年不變的誠摯與堅持。




這一次拜訪帶給我們的是極大的震撼。不僅讓我們切身體會到公益活動絕非紙上談兵一般簡單而膚淺,而且體會到親身躬行公益行動的重要性。在我們看來,SUNSHINE ACTION 所扮演的角色並不是規則的打破者,而是最切實的溫暖傳遞者,雖然力量有限但卻持之以恆帶給最需要的人以最急需的幫助。

Sunshine Action 不止著眼于香港本土的公益,還將眼光投向遙遠非洲。我們在SunshineAction有幸結識了來自非洲的國際友人,結下友誼,還有幸結識了非洲公益組織的一位創始人。與她的交流極大的豐富了我們對公益的理解還有對非洲这片土地的理解。

The University of Hong Kong - School of Public Health - Practicum Learning program


- 5 stars internship working environment, including special cusine by international chefs from different countries including Uganda, Colombia and South Africa.

- 100% fruit juices & smoothies available - Variety of Coffee & Teas plus imported seasonal fruits, tasty snacks and herbal drinks.

- 90%-99% Cacao Dark Chocolate Noir is also available for afternoon tea.


-Opportunity to meet many partner organizations and special guests such as former 感動香港年度人物, etc...

- Opportunity to lunch with CEOs after completing 150 hours of on site volunteers works.

- Connection with SUNSHINE ACTION global networks

- Completely FREE - 16 hours of intense Spanish Conversation class for travellers & social events to the practicum students.

- WIFI - Massage Chair - updated information & videos on latest technologies & invention are available in the office to boost your creativity.

... and many many more!!! 


NOV 2016, we had the first STUDENT PLACEMENT ever from DISCOVERY COLLEGE 智新書院是英基在香港建立的第二所私人獨立學校。該校於2007年8月開放,取代前紫荊學校。

It was a great experience as the students learned to prepare the food, visit many elderly cases - some over 90 years young - they were also working on some admin & social media works for SUNSHINE ACTION too.

SUNSHINE ACTION Ltd. welcomes any schools, colleges & universities interested in participating in our Hong Kong Local Charity programs by:

  • Providing the venue for free storage & packing of the Sunshine Blessing Bags.

  • Motivate students to volunteer for tree planting,  food & material packing, plus visiting the final cases of elderly & sick patients. 



Cooperated Schools for student volunteering in Hong Kong & China:

- Kowloon Sam Yuk School 九龍三育中學

- Sichuan - Mabian 四川马边沙腔乡中心校 (China)

- Sichuan Mabian 四川马边沙腔乡核桃坪小学 (China)

- Kowloon Sam Yuk School 九龍三育中學

- Tang Shiu Kin Victoria Tech. School 鄧肇堅維多利亞官立中學

- HKTA the Yuen Yuen Institute No 1 Secondary School 道教聯合會圓玄學院第一中學

- Ning Po College 寧波公學

 - Buddhist Tai Hung College 佛教大雄中學
- Buddhist Hung Sean Chan Memorial College 佛教孔仙洲紀念中學
- Fresh Fish Traders  鮮魚行学校

- Buddhist Ching Kok Secondary School 佛教正覺中學

- Buddhist Mau Fung Memorial College 佛教茂峰法師紀念中學

- Po Kok Secondary School 寶覺中學
- Buddhist Ho Nam Kam College 佛教何南金中學



If your school is interested to be part of Sunshine Action local Charity Program, please e-mail us at:

+852 68884028sunshine@sunshine-action.org

If your school is interested to be part of Sunshine Action local Charity Program, please e-mail us at:

+852 68884028sunshine@sunshine-action.org


The Faith & Commitment.不離不棄不捨的誓言 to serve the poorest, the unwanted, the sick, the hungry, the wounded, the unloved, the thirsty, the homeless...

+852 68884028sunshine@sunshine-action.org

Sunshine Action Ltd is only based in Hong Kong & This is the only official Website.