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SAVE the SEA生愛海洋

"Human have taken so much resources from the Ocean,

our hope is to put back something in return..."

Released more than 129'800 indigenous fish & fry into the Ocean

Since 2010, SUNSHINE ACTION 耀陽行動 started 'SAVE the SEA 生愛海洋' Program which will promote the following activities in the countries we visit:

Restocking the ocean '放生' in the sea by releasing fish fry '魚苗'or small fishes and other aquatic life appropriate to the ocean region.

Promote appropriate sea environment for aquatic life living, including mini Artificial Reefs to maximize the chance of Survival for the fish & aquatic life.

Promote responsible aquaculture.

Promote cleaner beaches.


- SAT 21 APR 2018 - 10:00 a.m.-12:00 noon

- SAT 19 MAY 2018  10:00 a.m.-12:00 noon

- SAT 2 MAY 2018 - 10:00 a.m. -12:00 noon

Please contact Sunny at:

852-6888 4028sunshine@sunshine-action.org


SUNSHINE ACTION ltd 耀陽行動 Sunshine Charity Beach Carnaval


2008年12月5日第63屆聯合國大會通過第111號決議,決定自2009年起,每年的6月8日為“世界海洋”。早在1992年,加拿大就已經在當年的里約熱內盧聯合國環境與發展會議上發出這一“World Ocean Day 世界海洋日”提議,一年都有一些國家在這一天舉辦與保護海洋環境有關的非官方紀念活動。但直至2009年聯合國才首次正式確定的“世界海洋日”,聯合國希望世界各國都能藉此機會關注人類賴以生存的海洋,體味海洋自身所蘊含的豐富價值,同時也審視全球性污染和魚類資源過度消耗等問題給海洋環境和海洋生物帶來的不利影響,而2014我們的“世界海洋日”的主題被確定為

我們的海洋,我們的寶藏 Our Ocean, Our Treasure

Some of the species released by SUNSHINE ACTION 耀陽行動 in the Ocean:

Released more than 118'880 indigenous fish & fry into the Ocean -

將超過118'880 條經常遭濫捕的魚苗放回大海.


- Serranus merra 金錢 : 金錢斑的主要產地在紅海、非洲東岸,澳洲與台灣也有少量生產,體灰褐色,有暗斑約排成五個總列點,屬於大型石斑,中文學名為藍身大石斑,已被澳洲列入保護魚種.

Seriola dumerili (Seriola purpurescens) 章雄

- Lutianus argentimaculatus 紅鮪

- Tachypleus tridentatus 中國鱟 is the only horseshoe crab species in Japan and is protected as a national treasure, but a sharp decline in number has been reported in recent years as a consequence of habitat destruction and marine pollution. The Blue Blood of this animal is famous for very high medical value.

- Yellow Tail 油甘魚 : On the most consumed raw fishes in SUSHI Restaurants around the World.

- Lutjanus Sabae 紅魚

- Areolate Grouper 芝麻斑

- Star Snapper 石蚌

-Siganus Oramin (Rabbit Fish) 泥鯭
- Marbled rockfish 石九公: 石九公是華南一帶的稱呼,酷似石斑魚,但體型細小,只有2O厘米長,有多個種類。  頭上有刺,第一背鰭大而且硬,是石九公的特徵。  魚身的顏色隨環境而變異,如棲息在淺水岩礁的,牠便呈紅色,生息在深水岩礁間的,牠便呈赤紅色,並有深黃色的斑紋。

- Trachinotus blochii 立倉

- Acanthopagrus schlegeli


☀SUNSHINE ACTION 耀陽行動 purpose on this is not about ‘saving their lifes’ as main purpose for the Buddhist… but we want to re-stock the ocean with fish. So we observe the following consideration to maximize their survival chances:

只放本土魚苗種 We release only native species appropriate to local sea waters. For example, we won’t buy a lobster from BOSTON and then put in Hong Kong water.

不要放開淡水魚入海 Of course we won’t release fresh water species into the sea.

溫暖的天氣放生 We choose mostly the warmer seasons to do this practice, so the water temperature won’t be too cold.

在保護區放生 We release in protected areas which is constantly supervised by HK police against the Fishing Boats and near the area where HKG government sank 18 boats to create the artificial reef right outside of Sai Kung.

一般不放生大魚 We don’t release big fishes generally – Buddhist would release BIG fishes as they consider more intelligent in its spirit- We prefer fry that is appropriate to the hatchery season of the species.

低調放生 In general, we make it very low-profile during the event, basically NOBODY would notice from outside the boat any sign of the activity.

接近捕"休魚期"放生 This is also closer to the period when CHINA have about 2 months fishing rest period in the year, mostly during Summer.


Please teach next generation to treasure ocean resources 教下一代珍惜海洋資源  以其生生不息 


852-6888 4028sunshine@sunshine-action.org

Overfishing occurs when fishing activities reduce fish stocks below an acceptable level. 

We often consume too many marine resources, but forget to put back in return. The fishing rest period in Hong Kong is only 2 months which is far from enough.  In China, this period is 2.5 months only.

Ultimately overfishing may lead to resource depletion in cases of subsidised fishing, low biological growth rates and critical low biomass levels.  For example, overfishing of sharks has led to the upset of entire marine ecosystems.

**Donation over HKD 100 is tax-deductible in Hong Kong under IRD-No. 91/10271***



The ability of fisheries to naturally recover also depends on whether the conditions of the ecosystems are suitable for population growth. Dramatic changes in species composition may establish other equilibrium energy flows that involve other species compositions than had been present before (ecosystem shift). For example, remove nearly all the trout, and the carp might take over and make it nearly impossible for the trout to re-establish a breeding population.

According to a 2008 UN report, the world's fishing fleets are losing $50 billion USD each year through depleted stocks and poor fisheries management.


The report, produced jointly by the World Bank and the UN Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO), asserts that half the world's fishing fleet could be scrapped with no change in catch. In addition, the biomass of global fish stocks have been allowed to run down to the point where it is no longer possible to catch the amount of fish that could be caught.

 With present and forecast levels of the world population it is not possible to solve the overfishing issue; however, there are mitigation measures that can save selected fisheries and forestall the collapse of others.

852-6888 4028sunshine@sunshine-action.org


The "United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea" treaty deals with aspects of overfishing in articles 61, 62, and 65.


  • Article 61 requires all coastal states to ensure that the maintenance of living resources in their exclusive economic zones is not endangered by over-exploitation. The same article addresses the maintenance or restoration of populations of species above levels at which their reproduction may become seriously threatened.

  • Article 62 provides that coastal states: "shall promote the objective of optimum utilization of the living resources in the exclusive economic zone without prejudice to Article 61"

  • Article 65 provides generally for the rights of, inter alia, coastal states to prohibit, limit, or regulate the exploitation of marine mammals.


Another possible solution, at least for some areas, is fishing quotas, so fishermen can only legally take a certain amount of fish. A more radical possibility is declaring certain areas of the sea "no-go zones" and make fishing there strictly illegal, so the fish in that area have time to recover and repopulate.

Controlling consumer behavior and demand is a key in mitigating action. Worldwide a number of initiatives emerged to provide consumers with information regarding the conservation status of the seafood available to them. The Guide to Good Fish Guides lists a number of these.

According to BLOOMBERG Philanthropies:


Sunshine Action is planning to release over 20'000 fish fry appropriate to the Hong Kong sea in 2017:

Give life 放生 Date in HK :

***Sai Kun Public Ferry Pier***




MON 1 MAY - 12:00 noon - 2:00 p.m.

 SUN 02 Jul

4:00-5:30 p.m.

HK$880 /volunteer to join the event

852-6888 4028sunshine@sunshine-action.org

香港位於中國東南海岸,由九龍半島和200多個小島組成,雖然本港水域面積 (1650平方公里) 僅為南中國海 (340萬平方公里) 的0.05%,但海魚的種類卻佔南中國海水域的三成。香港海魚種類繁多,原因是水文獨特,而且有各種不同的生境。香港水域匯合了三種沿岸流(中國海沿岸流、南中國海流和黑潮)、珠江徑流和湧升流,此外,亦有各式各樣的海洋生境,包括泥質和沙質的底土層、岩岸、珊瑚礁和新敷設的人工魚礁等。






Hong Kong, comprised of a single peninsula and over 200 offshore islands, is situated in the southeastern coast of Mainland China. Though the territorial waters of Hong Kong (1650 km²) is only 0.05% that of the South China Sea (3.4 million km²), the marine fish diversity of the former is about 30% that of the latter. This relatively high fish diversity is the result of Hong Kong's unique hydrology and diverse habitat. Hong Kong waters is a mixture of 3 coastal currents (the Chinese Coastal Current, the South China Sea Drift and Kuroshio Current ), Pearl River runoff and upwelling. In addition, there are diversified marine habitats including muddy and sandy substratum, rocky shores, coral reefs and the recently deployed artificial reefs.

Throughout one and a half centuries of Hong Kong ichthyological history, a total of 997 marine fish species of 135 families and 27orders were recorded. This is about 30% of the total fish species (3365 species) that can be found in the South China Sea. Within the waters of Taiwan and the Philippines, northeastern and southeastern of Hong Kong, over 2000 marine fish species were documented. It is expected that more and more fish species will be recorded in Hong Kong waters in the coming future.

The 10 most abundant fish families are Gobiidae (74 species), Labridae (41 species), Serranidae (39 species), Carangidae (39 species), Lutjanidae (35 species), Scorpaenidae (33 species), Pomacentridae (30 species), Apogonidae (27 species), Sciaenidae (24 species) and Chaetodontidae (23 species).


Artificial Reef 人工魚礁




Artificial reefs are very effective devices for attracting and supporting large populations of fish. They can provide complex, hard surface habitat in areas where only soft bottoms occur, which includes much of Hong Kong waters. Large artificial reef structures also provide improved feeding opportunities for many fish by changing water flow patterns. 


These areas of high flow are created as moving water passes over and around large artificial reef structures and low flows are established in sheltered areas inside the structure and at the downstream side. High current flows attract plankton feeding fish and their predators. Artificial reefs also provide good opportunities for planktonic fouling organisms to settle and develop. These fouling organisms, which include polychaetes, barnacles and mussels, flourish on artificial reefs and attract many predators, such as crabs, shrimps and fish, to feed and be fed. Artificial reefs create new and complex food webs in areas that are habitat-limiting.

852-6888 4028sunshine@sunshine-action.org



This is Peanut the turtle, shortly after being found in Missouri in 1993. She was taken to to a zoo in St. Louis where the six-pack ring was removed.
It seems that she was trapped in the plastic ring as a young turtle and was unable to free herself. Subsequently her shell moulded itself to the plastic ring and she grew in the strange shape you see here.

Unfortunately the damage is permanent, but peanut is expected to live a long life and today she serves as a mascot for the fight against beach littering.
Please, always remember to clean up after yourself at the beach

**Donation over HKD 100 is tax-deductible in Hong Kong under IRD-No. 91/10271***




852-6888 4028sunshine@sunshine-action.org

Sunshine Action Ltd is only based in Hong Kong & This is the only official Website.