Hriday,它的意思是清心;「清心」又源於聖經中的八福音之一:「清心的人有福了,因為他們必得見上帝。」在希臘文中,清心則是指「沒有摻雜水的純牛奶」。 另外,我印象深刻的另一件事是幫病人換尿褲。現在我的手仍感到酸痛,因爲需獨自一人把他從輪椅抱起到清潔位上,擦身,再換褲。雖然早上有少少勞累,但能夠幫助到身處有需要幫助的人,這一切都是值得的!
right: at the front door of the first apartment she started her humble works since the very beginning. |
Photo by Paula Harrowing
Many of the young people living in the boys’ house have reached an age when they can look for a job, but for years they have struggled to find work.
In 2013 this all changed. Two years previously Alain Cojean had spent some very special days at shuktara with the boys and he decided to help them. “I was so very impressed by so much love, they were like a family, so lovely, always taking care of one another, I felt immediately involved and I wanted to do something for them and David” said Alain, who runs a chain of restaurants in Paris called Cojean and a Foundation called Nourrir, Aimer, Donner (Eat, Love, Give) which supports other projects around the world. “David told me he was worried about what would become of the boys after him,” he continued. He was so touched by what he saw, that he decided to start a French Patisserie Training Centre to help the boys with their employment and training. Seven of the older boys (Sanjay, Ashok, Raju, Pinku, Vijay, Ramesh and Bapi), were taught baking and the art of French patisserie by a team including Fabien Rouillard, Head Executive Pastry Chef from Fauchön, a gourmet food company in Paris and on 10th March 2013, Shuktara Cakes was officially launched at the French Consulate in Kolkata.
Shuktara Cakes makes a selection of five cakes as well as financiers, a traditional French recipe shaped like small gold ingot, and madeleines, famous for their shell-like shape and the delicate baking. The shuktara boys are responsible for weighing the ingredients, operating the machinery and overseeing the complete production process. “My favourite job is cutting the baking paper in different sizes,” says Bapi.”I use equipment like the weighing machine and the brush to put non-stick oil in the moulds.” Sanjay enjoys being responsible for one of the most important items in the kitchen: “I start the oven, set the temperature and the timing of it,” he says. Raju and Ramesh prefer the task of accurately measuring out the different cake ingredients.
知識可以改變命運,他們正用自己的努力去換取未來。 我相信他們一定可以成功的!
852-6888 4028sunshine@sunshine-action.org
A very simple lunch... white rice, few pieces of potatoes and bean soup
Howrah South Point has 2 formal schools and a centre for handicapped in the Howrah province right next to Calcutta.
The Lalkuthi home in Howrah accommodates 78 handicapped boys and girls. Two experienced physiotherapists are permanently on site to attend the children and provide training to the responsible for their care. A pediatrician monitors the health of the children with weekly visits.
Three other homes located in Jalpaiguri, North Bengal, provide homes for an additional 100 handicapped children. There, in the magnificent foothills of the Himalayas, the children learn to surmount their handicaps through educational facilities, workshops, and farming. A visit to one of those centers, where the odds are beaten every day, where children once condemned to death are given a marvelous second chance, is a profoundly moving experience.
【德蘭修女箴言: 愛的反面不是恨,而是漠不關心。】
India Volunteer Tour "亞洲愛心印度加爾各答行" - NOV 2012
Nov 2012, seven Sunshine Action volunteers went to India with program to donate basic food, material, medicines, wheel chairs, building projects estimated to benefit over 2'360 people through the following 10 centers/orgs:
- Nirmal Hriday 垂死者之家- Mother Teresa's Home for the Dying Destitute
- Prem Dam M.C.
- Titagarh Leprocy Village - Gandhiji Prem Nivas
- Raigarh M.C. for the Leprosy
- Gangarampur M.C.
- Tomorrow's Foundation for the Street Children
- Catholic Diocese of Baruipur
- Dum Dum M.C. for the female with mental disability
- Donjour Children Welfare Association
- Maria Poly M.C.
852-6888 4028sunshine@sunshine-action.org
餵飯 - 由於不想病人睡得太多以致背部皮膚癐爛,每次餵飯前,我 |
間中發出一聲像小羊叫的咩聲。修女們每次聽見都說 |
Nirmal Hriday 垂死者之家- Mother Teresa's Home for the Dying Destitute
不似人型 -
- Prem Dam M.C.
- Titagarh Leprocy Village - Gandhiji Prem Nivas & Raigarh M.C. for the Leprosy
852-6888 4028sunshine@sunshine-action.org
- Gangarampur M.C.
852-6888 4028sunshine@sunshine-action.org
Distributing School Bags & Stationeries to the poor students of the villages
- Tomorrow's Foundation for the Street Children
第一天,我們去了Tomorrow's Foundation。TWF 是一個慈善組織,專門幫助在貧民窟的兒童和街童,為他們
852-6888 4028sunshine@sunshine-action.org
- Donjour Children Welfare Association & Rotary Club
852-6888 4028sunshine@sunshine-action.org
- Catholic Diocese of Baruipur
- Dum Dum M.C. for the female with mental disability
- Maria Poly M.C.
9. 小補充 - 耀陽行動一向都是$0行政費用的,目的是將所有收集到的
**Important Note: Sunshine Action will NOT raise any fund on the name of MOTHER TERESA or the MISSIONARIES of CHARITY. All donation must be purely to support SUNSHINE ACTION Programs only.
According to Mr. Indrajit Gupta - Editor of FORBES INDIA (Dec, 2009 Edition) India is a country where more than 75% of people earn less than Rs. 20 a day ( Less than USD0.50 or HKD 4/day)
Nov 2009, 4 Sunshine Action volunteers went to Kolkata, New Delhi, Agra and Vrindavan for the Charity Mission with over 3'000 kg of Rice, over 1'000 kg of DAL, 800 kg of Potatoes, others food products, medicines and first Sunshine Action Medical Camp in the poorest village of India.
── 德蘭修女《一條簡單的道路》
***Covering 1'725 cases/families, estimated to benefit 2'174 people***
M.C. Nirmal Hriday - Kalighat ~ House for the Dyeing
- Tomorrow's Foundation - Kolkata
- Guild of Service of Widow Village - Vrindavan
- M.C. Premdam - House for the severely sick - Kolkata
- M.C. Prem Nagar Leprosy Center, Seemapuri
- Rotary Club of Kolkata India - Medical mission in Village-
West Bengel
- Country Women's Assoc.of India - Medical mission in Village
in West Bengel.
***In order to respect the dignity of the patients, Sunshine Action minimizes the exposure of all pictures of severely sick patients in this trip***
e-mail: sunshine@sunshine-action.org / Tel: 852-9387-3243
Mother Teresa founded 'Missionaries of Charity 仁爱之家' in 7-Oct, 1950 in Kolkata, West Bengel, India. 德蘭修女(1910-1997),一個出生於奧斯曼帝國科索沃省的斯科普里(前南斯拉夫聯邦馬其頓共和國的首都)的阿爾巴尼亞裔少女;15歲時在往愛爾蘭的火車上感到上帝召喚予她的使命 ——終身服侍貧窮中的最貧窮。自始,她在愛爾蘭和印度接受傳教士訓練工作;就是這個感召,她一生在加爾各答度過,與貧窮中的最貧窮為伴。在她給Brian Kolodiejchuk, M.C. 的書信中寫着:若我有一天成為聖人,我定會是「黑暗」的聖人 我將長時間不在天堂, 而在地上為活在黑暗中的人亮起他們的光
Today, there are more than 800
M.C. Houses around the
World in every continents, taking care of the sick, the
abandoned, the poor, the elderly, the homeless, etc... |
'We must not drift away from the humble works, because these are the works nobody will do. They are never too small. We are so small we look at things in a small way. Even if we do a small thing for somebody, GOD, being almighty, sees everything as great" - Mother Teresa
852-6888 4028sunshine@sunshine-action.org
MISSIONARIES of CHARITY - Nirmal Hriday 垂死者之家 & Premdam
Mother Teresa created the first house in 1952 to take care of the dying people "Nirmal Hriday" (Pure Heart) next to the Kali-Temple. Today, the famous 'House for the dyeing" remains the same as it was 58 years ago. Normally, the house has capacity for 110 patients.
Premdam is also a house taking care of the severely sick patients, but a lot bigger and with over 450 patients.
德蘭修女一生只做一件事,外面世界怎樣轉與她無關,她停足在貧窮中的最貧窮,自己也不超越貧窮和貧窮所帶來的冰冷與黑暗。當她在1979年獲得諾貝爾和平獎時,她起初拒絕去領獎,只說:「這個獎最大的意義是今晚大家可以吃得豐富些。」後來她去了領獎,在結束演講總結時說:「Do Small Things with Great Love」
1952年,德蘭修女在Kali Temple(婆羅門教死神廟)旁開設「垂死人之家」,不到一天的時間,修女們就將三十多個最貧困痛苦的人安頓了下來。其中有個老人,在搬來的那天傍晚即斷了氣,臨死前,他拉着德蘭修女的手,用孟加拉語低聲地說:「我一生活得像條狗,而我現在死得像個人,謝謝了。」
一個八十多歲有麻瘋病的婆婆,她的腳趾早已變形及殘缺不全,用一隻手托着她的腳,然後用另一隻手塗上油。那刻,想起耶穌為門徒洗腳也想起德蘭修女的一段歷史 ──在靠近車站的廣場旁,德蘭修女發現了一位老婦人倒在路上,像是死了一般。德蘭修女蹲下來仔細一看:破布裹着腳,爬滿了螞蟻,頭上好象被老鼠咬了一個洞,殘留着血漬,傷口周圍滿是蒼蠅和蛆蟲。她趕緊替她趕走蒼蠅,驅走螞蟻,擦去血漬和蛆蟲。
Purchasing Rice, food and others materials with the Sister Superiors for the patients.
Sunshine Action sponsored the rice and food for Nirmal Hriday and Detergent/Cleaning Des-infectant materials for the patients of Premdam.
House 到premdan,大概要走三十分鐘,轉入小路都是貧民窟,他們棲身的地方都是用布和紙皮搭成的帳篷,煮食地方就在帳篷外邊,現在正是翻垃圾尋生計的時候。旁邊的垃圾站已站滿人了,帳篷四周都是還沒有勞動力的二三歲小孩在嬉戲。再轉過去,是一條鐵路軌,月台站滿人,每有火車到就擠得水洩不通,上班一族的衫西裝皮鞋與貧民窟周邊環境形成強烈反差,但在表情上,貧的富的沒有對立也沒有敵意,一切順從印度教的教訓,生下來所屬階層是注定的,安心接受就是了。印度的貧、富、階級矛盾,基本上用宗教來解決了。
The M.C. sisters are like angels taking care of the sick and old, only they know where can buy the appropriate items at the best prices. It's truly a great experience to go purchasing the food & materials with their guidance.
You have to keep the M.C. Houses very clean in order to avoid more infections to the already sick patients, therefore constantly need a lot of desinfectant materials.
Sunshine Action volunteers perform some volunteering services, but in order to respect the dignity of the patients, we only take pictures with the M.C. sisters.
852-6888 4028sunshine@sunshine-action.org
Guild of Service - MA DHAM - A home for Widow of Vrindavan
Sunshine Action volunteers took the train from Delhi to AGRA and then by car to Vrindavan. Guild of Service has a house to take care of 125 widows at the moment.
is also known as the
City of
In exchange for singing bhajan hymns for 7-8 hours in bhajanashrams, women are given a cup of rice and a pittance of money (around Rs.10), which they try to supplement by begging on the streets or in some instances, even through prostitution.
Facts about Widows in INDIA:
to the 2001 census, 9%
of the total female population are widows in
- 50% of widows are over 50 years old
- A sample study of 1994 shows that of the 88% widows who remained in the deceased husband's village after his death, only 3% shared the same hearth with her in-laws. Also, less than 3% widows lived with their parents.
The 4 types of DAL Sunshine Action purchased for the Widows as these are the main foods for Indian.
- Widows without relatives, who do not own land or a house worth Rs.1000 ($ 25.48), who do not wear jewels worth Rs. 500 ($12.74) or more or who do not have regular employment are also considered destitute. The destitute widow has to apply on a prescribed form to the tehsildar, who after verification and sanction dispatches the amount by money order. However, accessing the pension is an almost impossible task.
- In the age group of over 60 years, 64% are widows. Widows pensions range from Rs. 100-Rs. 500 (approx. US$2 - 5.
- On a 7 state rural widows study there were only 28% widows eligible for pensions; 11% were actually receiving it.
- There are approx. 20'000 war widows in India of the '62, '65, '71 and '99 aggressions.
“In many conservative Indian Hindu families, widows are shunned because they’re seen as bringing bad luck. Superstitious relatives even blame them for their husband’s death. The widow can become a liability with no social standing, an unwanted mouth to feed. Often they’re cast out of the family home,”
With Dr. Mohini Giri - A lady of 75 years old who founded Guild of Service and also Nominee for the Nobel Prize. We met her in New Delhi before going to Vrindavan. Sunshine Action is the first group from Hong Kong to visit Guild of Service.
Sunshine Action visited the Leprosy Centre and sponsored a medical instrument specialized for the operation. The Centre cover 250 Leprosy patients, all abandoned by their families.
Nearly 90% of 5 million prevailing leprosy patients in India are neglected by their own families and society.
40 to 50% survive by begging in streets or roadside, and some who are fortunate enough take shelter in missionaries and NGO run homes.
Lack of information about leprosy cure and absence of hospitals in rural villages many are deprived of proper medications.
Their own families and communities hesitate to accept them in a fear, contact would infect them too.
Some cases are unreported in initial stage to avoid discarded by community. when untreated for long time is incurable.
Rotary Club of Calcutta Uptown & Country Women's Assoc. of India
Sunshine Action sponsored the first medical camp in with cooperation of Rotary Club of Calcutta Uptown & Country Women's Assoc. of India in Kaoradanga Village, Thana Visnupur-1, District 24 Parganas(S), West Bengal, India, with medicines, vitamins and medical camp to cover 156 patients, including children and adults.
Sunshine Action also sponsor more programs in FEB 2010 to the INDIAN CANCER SOCIETY.
Medicines & vitamins sponsored by Sunshine Action
with Dr. Sheila Rohatgi, organizer of this Medical Camp
Most of the village children are under-weight and today, they all dressed like a 'New Year Festive Day' to see us.
852-6888 4028sunshine@sunshine-action.org
Tomorrow's Foundation
In 1991 Tomorrow's Foundation started with 17 children on the rooftop of Mother Teresa's Nirmal Hriday, Tomorrow's foundation have today a day school and night school with more than 550 students. They are all street children in Kolkata. In 2009, Tomorrow's Foundation provide education to more than 1'500 street children.
Sunshine Action sponsored rice, dal and potatoes to the foundation.
Meeting with Tomorrow's Foundation full team in Kolkata
Sunshine Action Volunteer Michelle playing with the children while visiting the school.
Tomorrow's Foundation created a 'Card Project' to raise funds for the School
852-6888 4028sunshine@sunshine-action.org
The Faith & Commitment.不離不棄不捨的誓言 to serve the poorest, the unwanted, the sick, the hungry, the wounded, the unloved, the thirsty, the homeless...
Sunshine Action Ltd is only based in Hong Kong & This is the only official Website.