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Nepal Charity Program 2015

亞洲愛心尼泊爾 -加德滿都

After the earthquake in NEPAL, we contacted our charity partners around Kathmandu our main mission is to provide the food & essential material to the poor, plus help to reconstruct some of the destroyed sites.

Mission of the Trip: 加德滿都受近期地震之外,分發糧食和基本材料給幾個當地的合作機構和麻風村; 分發文具和材料給幾個孤兒院 distribution food and essential materials to several local partners; Visit the Leprosy Village outside of Kathmandu affected by the recent earthquake, distribute stationary and material to several orphanages:   sunshine@sunshine-action.org
- Ardgya Ashrama Khokana Leprosy Village
- Buddha Bhumi Buddhist Centre Nepal
- Old Age Mgmt / Social Welfare Trust
- Education Centre for Helpless Children
- Our Child Protection Foundation Nepal
- Rising Lotus Children Village - COTS Children off the Street
- Light of Nation
- Kaleshwor Children Home KCH, Lalitpur
- New Light Nepal

- Missionaries of Charity Shanti Bhavan, Kathmandu

**Donation over HKD 100 is tax-deductible in Hong Kong under IRD-No. 91/10271***



「耀陽行動沒有政府,香港公益金香港賽馬會的資助,所有100%善款及物資均來自各界的捐助Sunshine Action is NOT subvented by Hong Kong Government or any Government, the Community Chest of HK, neither the Lottery Fund of Jockey Club of HK. All 100% funding come from general public only and corporations only. In average, 98% of the food, materials and contribution from Sunshine Action for this program are purchased.

港幣捐款銀行戶口 For Donation in HKD :

Payee:     SUNSHINE ACTION LTD. 耀陽行動有限公司
     Bank of CHINA (HK), Hong Kong
Account No.: 012-926-1-018415-6

852-6888 4028sunshine@sunshine-action.org


This Friday 1st May 2015 we will hold a fund raising music night for Nepal earthquake , if you cannot make the event but still wish to donate then you can do so via Fringe backer https://www.fringebacker.com/en/projects/Fundraising-for-Nepal-Earthquake


All the funds raised will go to the charity Sunshine Action 耀陽行動 who is taking immediate action to provide emergency support to people in the affected areas. 100% of the funds will turn into food, water, blankets, shelters, medicines and other necessities to the victims.




Nepal Charity Program 亞洲愛心尼泊爾 -加德滿都

852-6888 4028sunshine@sunshine-action.org


Mission of the trip:

- Food & material distribution the poorest of the poor, the severely sick, the handicapped and orphans.

- Sponsorship on SUNSHINE LONG-TERM food & Living support program.

- Sponsorship on Solar light to local schools or NGOs.

Travel Date: 05-12 NOV 2015***subjected to change until final confirmation***

Minimum fund-raising amount:

- HK$8,800/volunteer for 2 countries (if join 1 country only HK$4,400/volunteer)

(100% to be used to purchase food & material locally)

- Students age 18+ HK$4,800/volunteer

- donation over HK$100 is tax-deductible in HONG KONG.

***Please note air-tickets, travel expenses, food and hotels, etc... would you on your own cost and please do not deposit in SUNSHINE ACTION bank account***

 For more information about the trip, please contact SUNNY MAK via e-mail: sunshine@sunshine-action.org or HONG KONG local tel: 852-6888-4028

Click here for Donation Information

Sunshine Action Nepal Charity Program 2014

耀陽行動 - 亞洲愛心尼泊爾 -加德滿都


NOV 2014, seven SUNSHINE ACTION volunteers went to Kathmandu serving the following 10 local NGOs and beneficiating over 800 people directly:

- Missionaries of Charity Shanti Bhavan, Kathmandu

- Ardgya Ashrama Khokana - Princep Leprosy Treatment Centre (Nepal)

- Buddha Bhumi Buddhist Centre Nepal

- Old Age Mgmt / Social Welfare Trust

- Education Centre for Helpless Children

- Our Child Protection Foundation Nepal

- Rising Lotus Children Village - COTS Children off the Street

- Light of Nation

- Kaleshwor Children Home KCH, Lalitpur

- New Light Nepal


852-6888 4028sunshine@sunshine-action.org



MISSIONARIES OF CHARITY - House of Mother Teresa


Missionaries of Charity is a Roman Catholic Latin Rite religious congregation established in 1950 by Mother Teresa. It consists of over 4,500 religious sisters and is active in 133 countries. Members of the order designate their affiliation using the order's initials, "M.C." A member of the Congregation must adhere to the vows of chastity, poverty, obedience, and the fourth vow, to give "wholehearted free service to the poorest of the poor."

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Leprosy Village - Ardgya Ashrama Khokana


耀陽行動"福石善珠"天然玉石     ""人之寶""""修德之心""


Click here for Donation Information

852-6888 4028sunshine@sunshine-action.org



Buddha Bhumi Buddhist Centre Nepal

852-6888 4028sunshine@sunshine-action.org





Old Age Mgmt / Social Welfare Trust





Education Centre for Helpless Children

Click here for Donation Information

 Our Child Protection Foundation Nepal

852-6888 4028sunshine@sunshine-action.org


Rising Lotus Children Village - COTS Children off the Street

852-6888 4028sunshine@sunshine-action.org


Light of Nation


Kaleshwor Children Home KCH, Lalitpur

This 20 yeas old lady is actually the person in charge of this orphanage

852-6888 4028sunshine@sunshine-action.org


Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/SunshineAction

e-mail: sunshine@sunshine-action.org / Tel: 852-6888 4028

Mission of the Trip 旅程目的:

- Food distribution for the poorest of the poor. 購買、包裝食物包,並運送至貧民

- Visiting & volunteering in several local organizations

- Provide SSS Sunshine Student Sponsorship to poor children

- Provide FREE medicine for the severely sick & leprosy patients

***program subjected to change on actual environment, final fundraised amount & weather



Click here for Donation Information


Sunshine Action Nepal Charity Program 2013

耀陽行動 - 亞洲愛心尼泊爾 -加德滿都

SEPT 2013

20139月, 3耀陽行動義工將前往加德滿都去探望窮人和病人, 在旅途中到周圍鄉村的窮人提供耀陽食物福袋 , 目標是幫助520 貧困家庭. 我們我們的首要任務是幫助那些沒有能力幫助自己的窮人.

3 Sunshine Action volunteers traveled to Kathmandu and distributed food & Material for 6 local organizations, including Sunshine Student Sponsorship to 59 poor children in Nepal:

  • Princep Leprosy Treatment Centre (Ardgya Ashrama Khokana)

  • Light for Nation

  • Education Centre for Helpless Children

  • Our Child Protection Foundation Nepal

  • Aama Ko Ghar for the abandoned elderly & orphans

  • Buddha Bhumi Buddhist Centre Nepal

852-6888 4028sunshine@sunshine-action.org

麻瘋病 (Leprosy),又稱為漢生病韓森氏病(Hansen's Disease),是由麻風桿菌(Mycobacterium leprae)引起的一種慢性傳染病。漢生病或韓森氏病之稱由來,則係出於麻瘋桿菌的發現者-挪威學者漢生Gerhard Armauer Hansen之名.

麻瘋病 (Leprosy)主要傷害皮膚、粘膜和周圍神經,也能侵害深層組織和器官。在世界範圍內流行很廣,估計約有病人約一千萬人左右。他們主要分佈於亞洲、非洲及拉丁美洲。

耀陽愛心尼泊爾福袋 Sunshine Nepal Fortune Food Bags




This year, we distributed more than 15 tones of food, including Rice, Dal (beans) Oil, Sugar, Salt, Soap, etc...

Beside the Buddha Bhumi Buddhist Centre Nepal, also 3 orphanages and estimated to help more than 1'000 people directly.

Including food for few hundred monks & nuns in Kathina OCT 2013.

SUNSHINE ACTION - Sunshine Student Sponsorship program cover over 50 poor students for their entire year of school fees.


Sunshine Action Nepal Charity Program 2012

 耀陽行動 - "亞洲愛心尼泊爾 -加德滿都 2012

天下一家,善行天下 : 善行藍毗尼園 Lumbini

20129月, 幾位耀陽行動義工將前往加德滿都去探望窮人和病人, 在旅途中從加德滿都到藍毗尼園到周圍鄉村的窮人提供耀陽食物福袋 , 目標是幫助1'430 貧困家庭. 我們我們的首要任務是幫助那些沒有能力幫助自己的窮人, 預計可以協助至少1'800


Buddha Buddhist Bhumi Center Nepal & Sunshine Action Hong Kong joined together, Master Most Ven. Bhikkhu Maitree we got permitted in Fulabari Temple in Lumbini.


On 1 & 2 days October we gave Rice 7 kilos bean 5 kilos 1 kilo Sugar & 1 liter Oil, Each person we gave total nearly 1500  poor families and people. That was our great pleasure have great moment in Lumbini ~ NEPAL.

852-6888 4028sunshine@sunshine-action.org


Joe Pun & Elsa Ho volunteering for Sunshine Action 耀陽行動

 Sunshine Action 耀陽行動 volunteer Nancy during the trip


Masters distributing the food donated by Sunshine Action

poor villagers from the area

852-6888 4028sunshine@sunshine-action.org


Sunshine Action Nepal Volunteer Tour - Kathmandu  MAY 2011

 耀陽行動 - "亞洲愛心尼泊爾 -加德滿都 2011


20115月, 9位耀陽行動義工者前往加德滿都去探望窮人和病人, 在旅途中加德滿都的窮人提供耀陽食物福袋 , 此行已經幫助911貧困家庭. 我們我們的首要任務是幫助那些沒有能力幫助自己的窮人, 預計可以協助1'210人.


May 2011, nine Sunshine Action volunteers travelled to Kathmandu and visited the following organizations with love, compassion & learning spirit. This program covered more than 911 cases, estimated to benefit 1'210 people directly with over 8'000 kg of basic food and materials, plus donation on building project on temple. 

852-6888 4028sunshine@sunshine-action.org


“It is amazing that anyone could abandon their own mother. We will all grow old, and at that time in our life we need the love and support of our families the most.”


Following the spirit of Mother Teresa, the founder Ms. Dil Shova Shrestha is receiving with love the abandoned elderly and orphans.

Aama ko Ghar, a shelter for elderly women, was established by Mrs. Dil Shova Shrestha in 1998 at her own home at Soaltee Mode, Rabi Bhawan. Her objective was to offer them shelter and protection. In due course of time, as the number of elderly women increased substantially, Mrs. Shrestha registered her home as an Old Age Management Social Welfare Trust (OAMSWT) in the year 2000.


To date, Mrs Shrestha solely runs the old age home and at present her trust houses 27 women who have found a home to call their own and some 50 orphans. Her resposibilities include feeding them, doing their laundry, looking after their basic needs, doctor visits, etc. Basically she does everything in her capacity to ease their lives. Most of the women, who had been in pitiful conditions, were rescued by Mrs. Shrestha herself and have now found a safe haven


Most of them are afflicted with physical disabilities like being visually impaired, hearing disabilities, paralysis, and some of them suffer from Alzheimer’s. However, Mrs. Shrestha takes care of them despite all odds and is committed to give them a better quality of life.



Shanti Sewa Griha (Home of Peace & Health)

The prestigious organization is founded by German NGO and presently take care of 150 children, mainly orphans. 22 disable children & over 50 leprosy families in the edge of Mountain. Sunshine Action has given some food contribution.

Marianne Grosspietsch (MG) founded the Shanti Leprahilfe Dortmund e.V. in July 1992. At the same time, she founded the Shanti Sewa Griha (=Peace Service Home) association in Kathmandu, Nepal.
The association's purpose is to provide assistance to those in need and especially those suffering from leprosy in Nepal

In the meantime, a clinic for the poor, an outpatient station for the poor, a health post, a children's day nursery, two kindergartens and an area for physically and mentally challenged children, a state recognised school, a house for children suffering from malnutrition, a teaching kitchen, a kitchen for the poor (approx. 1,200 meals per day), approx. 12 various protective workshops and what is always more important, a large ecological agricultural project belong to the Shanti family


Buddha Bhumi Buddhist Centre Nepal

The volunteers distributed 200 food blessing bags to the poorest families in the villages.

Bhikkhu Saddhatissa and Bhikhhu Kolita are wholeheartedly devoted for life in the nurturing and development of Buddhism. Besides their everyday life as a monk, Buddha Bhumi Buddhist Center project is their prime concern.




852-6888 4028sunshine@sunshine-action.org











Princep Leprosy Treatment Centre (Ardgya Ashrama Khokana) : 150 Leprosy patients & families.


PRERANA - org. by People living with HIV /AIDS

PRERANA is a non profitable organization formed by people living with HIV and AIDS (PLWHAs) in 1997. Prerana was the first care and support group formed in Nepal , predominately managed by positive people. It's founder member, Saran Chettri was the first HIV positive person to publicly announce his status and has been the public face of many media HIV/AIDS campaigns in Nepal since the late 1990s.


Named PRERANA (meaning “inspiration” in both Nepali and Hindi), the organization became established to provide advocacy and to defend the rights of HIV+ people and to provide support to help them lead a healthy and a dignified life.



852-6888 4028sunshine@sunshine-action.org

The Leprosy Mission  Nepal - Anandaban Leprosy Centre

Leprosy remains a significant health problem in Nepal – a population where the majority are subsistence farmers, the prevalence rate is 2.4 cases per 10,000 population (WHO 2003), above the World Health Organisation elimination target.

Anandaban serves as a leprosy referral hospital as well as providing general medical care and has a 150 bed inpatient capacity.





Bhaktapur Cancer Hospital is a non-profit, non-government and community orientel hospital established in April 1999 as a cooperative and collaborative project of Nepal Cancer Relief Society Government of Nepal and several parties.





Sunshine Action Nepal Volunteer Tour - Kathmandu  MAY 2010

 耀陽行動 - "亞洲愛心尼泊爾 -加德滿都 2010


Sunshine Nepal Mission reached 767 families/cases, estimated to benefit 917 people.


 Nepal, officially the Federal Democratic Republic of Nepal, is a landlocked country in South Asia. It is bordered to the north by the People's Republic of China, and to the south, east, and west by the Republic of India. The area of the country is 147,181 square km (56,827 sq mi) with a population of approximately 30 million.

Kathmandu is the nation's capital and the country's largest metropolitan city. Majority of the people in Nepal practice Hinduism, others are Buddhism and Islam. About half of the population live below the international poverty line of US$1.28 a day. The most recent unemployment rate reaches 46% in 2009.

Buddha Bhumi Buddhist Centre Nepal

With the help of Bhikkhu saddhatissa & Bhikkhu Kolita and volunteers, Sunshine Action distributed Rice, Dals & Cooking Oil to over 150 cases/families of Elderly, handicapped, blind, poor children, etc...


Nepal is the birthplace of Buddha, and May 21, the week after our visit is Buddha’s Birthday. May our action is a kind of continuity and respect to the Master’s great compassion and universal love.




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"耀陽行動  - "亞洲愛心尼泊爾"





Sunshine Action has selected NEPAL as our second country for PLANT the PLANET program, which cover apple trees, orange trees, guava trees and many other types together with the students & volunteers.... also, created our first Sunshine Flower garden.





Tropical forests cover 23% of the Earth's land surface, but they are disappearing at a rate of 4.6 millions hectares a year. Asia leads loses with 2.2 millions hectares a year.



In Nepal, because of the fast growing population, the city of Kathmandu is expanding rapidly and building many new roads.... massive quantities of Trees are being destroyed.

The Monks help us to plant 100 sunshine-color flowers at the entrance of  Buddha Bhumi Buddhist Centre Nepal


Himalayan Children Foundation

Sunshine Action volunteers visited the Himalayan Children foundation with food & material covering 95 Himalayan Children, mainly orphans... They also help us to plant the trees in the surrounding areas.

Shanti Sewa Griha (Home of Peace & Health)

The prestigious organization is founded by German NGO and presently take care of 150 children, mainly orphans. 22 disable children & over 50 leprosy families in the edge of Mountain. Sunshine Action has given some food contribution.




Leprosy Centre & Hospitals:  Sunshine Action visited 2 leprosy centers with food & volunteers.

The Leprosy Mission  Nepal - Anandaban Leprosy Centre : 150 general & Leprosy Patients

Princep Leprosy Treatment Centre : 150 Leprosy patients & families.



In Nepal, nearly 4'000 new cases of Leprosy appear each year... and there are more than 15'000 cases in different provinces.



The Leprosy patients often lost all the fingers and capacity to work, plus being rejected by the society and sometimes, their family.




The Faith & Commitment.不離不棄不捨的誓言 to serve the poorest, the unwanted, the sick, the hungry, the wounded, the unloved, the thirsty, the homeless...

852-6888 4028sunshine@sunshine-action.org


Sunshine Action Ltd is only based in Hong Kong & This is the only official Website.