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Africa Volunteer Tour -Kampala UGANDA




Uganda has made enormous progress in reducing poverty, slashing the countrywide incidence from 56 per cent of the population in 1992 to 24.5 per cent in 2009. The reduction of poverty in urban areas has been especially marked. Notwithstanding these gains, however, the absolute number of poor people has increased due to population growth. And poverty remains firmly entrenched in rural areas, which are home to 84 per cent of Ugandans.

About 27 per cent of all rural people – some 8 million men, women and children – still live below the national rural poverty line. Uganda's poorest people include hundreds of thousands of smallholder farmers living in remote areas scattered throughout the country. Remoteness makes people poor inasmuch as it prevents them from benefiting from Uganda's steady economic growth and dynamic modernization.

In remote rural areas, smallholder farmers do not have access to the vehicles and roads they need to transport their produce, and market linkages are weak or non-existent. These farmers lack inputs and technology to help them increase their production and reduce pests and disease. They also lack access to financial services, which would enable them to boost their incomes – both by improving and expanding their production, and by establishing small enterprises.

The poorest areas of the country are in the north, where poverty incidence is consistently above 40 per cent and exceeds 60 per cent in many districts – and where outbreaks of civil strife have disrupted farmers' lives and agricultural production. The greatest number of poor people is found in the east, where the population density in poor areas is 8 to 10 times higher than in the north, although poverty incidence is generally lower, at 30 to 40 per cent.

The vast majority of Uganda's poor rural people live in fragile, dry and sub-humid regions where the variability of rainfall and soil fertility means that farming presents a challenge. Household-level production often falls short of minimum household needs, rendering families particularly vulnerable to food insecurity. This problem is exacerbated by climate change and a resulting increase in the variability and amount of rainfall, as well as extreme climate events. Uganda is considered one of the world's most vulnerable and least climate-resilient countries. Changing climate patterns, such as increased droughts, floods and variable precipitation cycles, have a serious impact upon water and other natural resources, agricultural production and rural livelihoods.

**Donation over HKD 100 is tax-deductible in Hong Kong under IRD-No. 91/10271***



Health and social issues significantly affect rural poverty in Uganda as well. The population of about 36 million is growing at an annual rate of 3.4 per cent. Although the country has dramatically reduced the incidence of HIV/AIDS since the 1990s, prevalence rates have begun rising again in recent years. The pandemic has caused the death of large numbers of young adults and orphaned up to 1.2 million children.

The lack of health care and other social services puts rural women at a particular disadvantage. They work far longer hours than men, have limited access to resources and lack control over what they produce. Among their many other tasks, they also bear the double burden of ensuring that their households are adequately fed and caring for the sick, the elderly, and for orphaned children.


In 2012, Uganda ranked 161st among 187 countries on the United Nations Development Programme's Human Development Index, in the Low Human Development category.






**Donation over HKD 100 is tax-deductible in Hong Kong under IRD-No. 91/10271***




Mission of the trip:

- Donate food to the poorest of the poor through local organizations

- Plant the Planet Ethiopia

- Assessment to the local NGOs and needy people in the slum

Min. Fund-Raising Amount HK$6,800/volunteer (excluding travelling & personal expenses)



烏干達共和國斯瓦希里語:Jamhuri ya Uganda英語:Republic of Uganda)是東非的內陸國家。烏干達也被稱為「非洲明珠」。東非共同體的五國:肯尼亞、坦桑尼亞、烏干達、布隆迪與盧旺達,於2010年建立了統一的經濟市場,並將傾力於2015年合併為統一的聯邦國家。該聯邦將擁有共同的憲法、總統、議會和貨幣。



  •  A Ugandan president is called Museveni, no matter the outcome of the elections
  • The parliament was built without intelligence in it. It was only until 2011 that the august house started developing certain unverifiable signs of intelligence. However, officials worry that the available space may not be enough to hold the intelligence.
  • 70% of police officers have eyes that can detect guns and any metallic objects in cars just by looking at the passengers.
  •  It is “illegal” to have electricity 7 days in a row


    • A government contract is only awarded to a provider if they cannot competently provide the service. Anything short of that will lead to immediate termination of the contract and severe penalty.
    • Roads are constructed with potholes in them. Those without potholes are denied further maintenance until a thorough investigation is carried out.
    • Criminals in the private sector are loved by the people while those in the public sector are loved by the president.
    •  It is imperative to have a nationwide violent strike at least once a year even if the strike essentially accomplishes nothing.
    • If you tell a “Ugandan-if not “Africans “in general” to meet you at 1.00pm, don’t actually expect to see them until at least 1:30. This theory has been tested and proven and is known as African time
    • Ugandan ladies never call. They only beep if they want to tell you something. This theory is also scientifically proven and tested.


    • Around 50% of Uganda’s population survives on less than one dollar a day.
    • Uganda is one of the top countries in the world when it comes to alcohol consumption.
    • Ugandans love meat stews, but the “meat” is not just the meat – it’s also the animal’s liver, stomach, intestines, tongue, etc. The Ugandan cook wastes nothing.
    • In Uganda, “skimpy” is defined as “not reaching your ankles.”
    • The tribal customs of Uganda are still very alive, practised, and greatly respected. While there are estimated to be 52 tribes represented within Uganda, the following are the larger and more well-known tribes include: Buganda (in central), Toro (in the west), Karamoja (in the northeast), Acholi (in north), Sebei, Busoga (in the east), Bugisu (in the east), Iteso (in the east), Ankole, Kigezi, Madi, Lango (in north), Teso, and Bukedi.
    • Uganda is the Youngest Country in the World with half of its population under the age of 14 year. The life expectancy for the average Ugandan is only early 50s.
    •  10.2% of bird species of the world is found in Uganda. It is a good destination for bird-watchers!
    • When you ask where the toilet is they ask you if it is for a long-call or short-call, basically do you need to go #1 or #2
    • Uganda has the worlds best bananas, pineapples, mangoes, and avocados.
    • Uganda is home to the endangered mountain gorillas, which are almost extinct.  There are only 750 left in the world, and they can only be found between Bwindi National Park in Uganda, Parc de volcanoes National park in Rwanda, and Virunga in Congo.
    • Uganda’s people are known around the word for their warmth and hospitality.

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***Bank transfer : You are welcomed to transfer donation through our HSBC and Bank of China, together with the donor name, contact and mailing address written on the bank in slip, thenfax to us at 3016 9853 or email to sunshine@sunshine-action.org

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**Donation over HKD 100 is tax-deductible in Hong Kong under IRD-No. 91/10271***



e-mail: sunshine@sunshine-action.org / Tel: 852-6888 4028

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