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Wish Comes True 願望成真

852-6888 4028sunshine@sunshine-action.org

“There's no point having wishes if you don't at least try to do them”  Sally Nicholls, Ways To Live Forever

In 2013, SUNSHINE ACTION started the 'Wish Comes True 願望成真' granting something to the poorest of the poor and severely sick poor people!!!

A REAL Wish Comes True 願望成真 is a project aiming to grant “wishes” to the needy in Hong Kong, by providing them with once in a lifetime opportunities that would not otherwise be possible. The project aims to increase happiness, hope and satisfaction in the lives of the poor, as well as those with physical disabilities and life-threatening illnesses. Wishes may include anything from simple pleasurable experiences such as dining out, to more practical procedures such as cataract surgery.

 Who is Eligible – individuals or families with low-income status, regardless of age, gender, race or ethnic background. Top priority will be given to the elderly, as well as to those who are suffering from a severe illness or terminal disease. All applicants must currently reside in Hong Kong and must be referred to us by a social worker, hospital doctor or nurse, core-member of Sunshine Action, or by one of our partner NGOs. The individual may be asked to provide consent to Sunshine Action to present his/her wish experience in our promotion and publicity program. 

Wish-Granting Process - Sunshine Action Volunteers will visit the applicants to gain a better understanding of their wishes. Volunteers will ensure that the wish is realistic before reporting back to the core members of Sunshine Action.  

 All applicants must undergo a background check, to be completed and reviewed by the core members of Sunshine Action, before a wish will be granted. Feasibility of each wish will also be determined collaboratively with health care professionals and other NGO members.

All Wishes Must Be:

- Realistic, practical and achievable

- Non-religious and Non-political

- Beneficial in a significant and meaningful way




Making Real Wish Comes True – The core members of Sunshine Action will evaluate the feasibility of the Wish. Upon their approval, Sunshine Action volunteers will immediately make all the necessary arrangements required in granting the wish. We encourage families who have benefited from the program to share their "Real Wish Come True" with the public. It is our hope that increasing awareness of our program will help us to grant more wishes in the future.

852-6888 4028sunshine@sunshine-action.org

Source of Funding - Apart from our general funding, Sunshine Action invites corporate and individual donors to “adopt a wish” by covering the associated expenses. We also encourage volunteers to help us fulfill the real wishes. Furthermore, we plan to seek sponsorship from commercial sectors for each wish. This would not only lessen our financial burden, but will also provide more opportunities for our sponsors to realize their corporate social responsibilities.

 If a minor (under 18) wishes to go on a trip or attend an event, who will accompany him/ her?
What are the responsibilities of the family?

The applicant’s parents, guardians, or other immediate family members will be responsible for escorting the child on his/her “Real Wish” trip. They will be required to complete and sign a Deed of Release to ensure that SUNSHINE ACTION Hong Kong will not be liable for any deterioration in health, damage, or loss of property, or other claims connected with the trip, however they may arise. We also ask that the family members take photos to document the wish trip, and share them with us upon their return. Please note, family members will not be expected to work out the details and arrangements for the wish, as this will be taken care by Sunshine Action staff and volunteers.

Download Wish Comes True 願望成真Petition Form






助人 最理想便是用心了解對方的需要而作出貼身的幫忙


窮人的願望 不一定是渴望得到更多的金錢,因為他們比很多人更明白知足常樂,有時他們想要的,都只是局限於生活的點滴






852-6888 4028sunshine@sunshine-action.org




















歡迎各界人士及企業申出援手 --- 11資助形式,更貼身,更直接




852-6888 4028sunshine@sunshine-action.org

The Faith & Commitment.不離不棄不捨的誓言 to serve the poorest, the unwanted, the sick, the hungry, the wounded, the unloved, the thirsty, the homeless...

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