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 "Walk with Poverty Showing our warm hearts in snowy weather" 


Poverty 扶貧 Relief

Non-Political, Non-Religious, Non-Frontier

Long-term food & living support program
耀陽行動 於20116月展開了「與貧同行雪中送炭,長期食物及生計改善資助計劃」,目的是透過本港其他註冊慈善團體,找出生活於貧窮線最底下的人士及家庭 (特別是有嚴重病患的) 施予援手。
耀陽行動 資深義工家訪評估後,我們會因應個別家庭的需要而提供6-12個月的食物援助。


***for HONG KONG people & Refugees presently in Hong Kong***

According to the latest government data: there are 1.34 million people in Hong Kong living below the poverty line. In other words, one out of every five people fail to have their basic needs met. Although social welfare programs reduce this number by assisting nearly 300'000 people, there are still approximately 970,000 individuals (or 14.5% of the population) in Hong Kong who are currently living below the poverty line (including 400K HK households). These startling figures include 285,000  elderly individuals (that is 1 in every 3 seniors) and 190,000 children (or 1 in every 5 children).

港有134 萬人活在貧窮線下,即是每5人就有1人是貧窮。即使扣除已領取綜援,仍有97萬人收入低過貧窮線。按此標準,佔總人口14.5%。貧窮人口中,長者有28.5萬人,平均每3名長者1人貧窮;兒童達19萬人,即每5名兒童1人捱窮。本港社會貧富懸殊,有人生活無憂許多人卻要在困苦中度日,掙扎求存!




Volunteers packing days 2018

All volunteers must arrive before 9:30 am. They will pack the food bags accordingly at:

興地鐵站 A exit - 華星街8號- 華達工業中心C18 1802B

Unit 1802B, 18/floor, Block C, Wah Tat Ind. Centre, No. 8 Wah Sing Street,

Kwai Chung, N.T. Hong Kong

Kwai Hing MTR 葵興地鐵站 A exit  出地鐵上面見行人天僑… 直行到尾見渣打(大連排道)… 對面見Circle K... 行上半條街是華星街 -  華星街8 號 - 華達工業中心入口。右面第一座是C 座...有幾部汽水機,上幾级樓梯有黃色老式載貨升降機,上181802B

***Date subjected to change***Please verify with us before coming

852-6888 4028sunshine@sunshine-action.org


Click here for Donation Information

2018  Packing Days 9:30 a.m. - 11:40 a.m.

- SAT 27 JAN 2018

- SAT 24 FEB 2018**reserved for Credit Suisse

- SAT 31 MAR 2018

- SAT 28 APR 2018

- SAT 26 MAY 2018

- SAT 30 JUN 2018

- SAT 28 JUL 2018

- SAT 25 AUG 2018

- SAT 29 SEP 2018

- SAT 27 OCT 2018

- SAT 24 NOV 2018

- SUN 15 DEC 2018


852-6888 4028sunshine@sunshine-action.org

Sunshine Action launched a long-term food and living support program called "Walk with Poverty: Showing Our Warm Hearts in Snowy Weather” in June 2011. The program aims to work collaboratively with local registered NGOs to help impoverished, needy families and individuals who are living under extremely tough conditions and who lack access to social support networks. We help by providing them with 6 months to a year of food and living assistance. It is hoped that this will alleviate their financial burdens, by allowing them to save their ‘food purchase money’ for emergency purposes, as needed.

Sunshine Action has been providing this service successfully for 6 consecutive years, maintaining the same quantity and quality of food, materials and services. For most of our clients, their financial situation fails to improve and thus they continue to receive our support, which for some includes assistance right up until their final days here on Earth.


 In 2015, Sunshine Action started to open new doors for the REFUGEES in HONG KONG and we'll provide the same standard of food & services as the local Hong Kong people.

The local NGOs and community centers we collaborate with are totally committed to keeping this program going as they all share our belief in the importance and basic human right of food, especially for the most urgent cases. We also have the support of many dedicated volunteers to physically put everything together on our designated packing days. We are confident that this program can go on as long as we have the required funds.

耀陽行動 20116月展開了與貧同行,雪中送炭,長期食物及生計改善資助計劃,目的是透過本港其他註冊慈善團體,找出活於貧窮線最底下的人及家庭 (特別是有嚴重病患) 施予援手。經 耀陽行動 資深義工家訪評估後,我們會因應個別家庭的需要而提供6個月的食物援助,因此每個受助家庭收取的糧食種類及數量均有所不同。


十元的豬肉我會分三天食。第一、二天用來滾湯至第三天我才捨得用那些肉煮米粉吃…..” - 住在山邊僚屋丈夫欠下數十萬元債一走了之後,餘下的單親媽媽蓮姨及一對子女

我有12個仔女但他們不肯簽名讓我申請綜援….. 總之人家唔酸唔臭的餸頭餸尾我都會食…..” -  80歲、行動不良兼長期受有精神病兒子駡的秀婆婆

我今世實在捱得好辛苦我有少少錢便摺定些金銀衣紙等第二日替我辦後事的義工燒給我希望來世可以過得好一些…..” - 90歲被遺棄兼長期患病的獨居長者張伯

每月三千元的綜援金,$2,700用來交房租只剩下$300生活費也不夠食,我那敢四圍去望著天花板我很想結束自己生命…..” - 離鄉別井,在港舉目無親的長期嚴重病患者阿英.

以上這些都是活在我們同一個天空下,但貧窮線最底下的辛酸故事。他們當中,有為了維護自力更生的尊嚴而拒絕申請綜援,有些為了不離不棄地照顧長期病患的家人而被迫放棄工作。香港近年百物騰貴,這些赤貧人/ 家庭在我們探訪時,都表現出仿佛一天都活在生命沒有希望當中。

  • 餘下20% 視力的­­伯用他的火水爐煮飯很是困難及危險,我們便為他購買了一部較安全易用的電磁爐

  • 一張八達通卡,可以給那位舉目無親的嚴重病患者阿英,能多出外散心,與社會保持聯系

  • 我們亦發覺很多貧困長者及病人都有營養不良的問題,因此除了基本米糧外,我們每月為們加潻低糖奶粉給他們補充營養

  • 如受助者可行動自如,尤其那些家中有成長中的青年或兒童,我們會贊助超級市場現券,讓他們加添一點新鮮食物


852-6888 4028sunshine@sunshine-action.org

**Donation over HKD 100 is tax-deductible in Hong Kong under IRD-No. 91/10271***



耀陽行動沒有政府,香港公益金香港賽馬會的資助,所有100%善款及物資均來自各界的捐助Sunshine Action is NOT subvented by Hong Kong Government or any Government, the Community Chest of HK, neither the Lottery Fund of Jockey Club of HK.

 All 100% funding come from general public only and corporations only. In average, 98% of the food, materials and contribution from Sunshine Action to the Stray Dogs are purchased.



張伯 一位獨居、長期病患及被遺棄的長者,今生無悔,盼望離世後活得更好


背後故事 : 張伯一生生活清貧,心中盼望離世後能到遠方世界過較好的生活,所以他有時會為自己摺金銀衣紙並印上自己的名字,交託為他籌備後事的人為他燒去,希望自己收到。


秀婆婆 – 一位80歲婆婆、長期病患者及問題家庭,但對子女仍不離不棄


 蓮姨單親家庭,住在全港少數梗有的百多呎僚屋。香港 - 原來也有很多吃不飽的家庭


後記 : 現時本港仍有數個山邊的僚屋區,生活環境欠佳,而蓮姨3人居住的單位只有百多呎,我們探訪當日天文台正發出酷熱天氣警告,鐵皮屋內熱氣迫人,只靠一把風扇及一扇窗散熱,而晚上更有老鼠、蚊及蜈蚣出沒,可是蓮姨也沒有餘錢買一個簡單的蚊香


阿英 – 離鄉別井,不斷跌進人生谷底,但仍堅持自力更生的長期病患者

阿英,為了令現時於印尼家人的生活過得好一點,90年代隻身來港打工,今年轉眼已將近20年了。英姐沒有學識,唯有在不同餐廳做洗碗。離鄉別井,總抱著希望於他鄉能找到同鄉知己,但可惜,英姐一直未能結交真心的同鄉朋友,自己失業時,她的「朋友」便不再接近她。在香港,原先也有個齊齊整整的家庭,但想不到,幾年前的大病,唯一認為可依靠的丈夫竟然帶兒女離開,彷彿將她推向人生不能轉彎的地步 沒有親友摯友、長期病患、寄掛家人、婚姻破滅加上失業,令她時常萌生結束生命的念頭。現時阿英有社工跟進,心情較好,在我們探訪當日,她提到很想工作。現時阿英失業,只靠政府少少的資助,扣除租金等日常開支,每月只有$360過活。


揀選助家庭/人士指標 (必須處於嚴重經濟困難)

(1) 受助者為嚴重長期病患或身體殘障,例如癌病、愛滋病患或老人病而導致沒有能力工作; 或因不離不棄地照顧病患者而陷入經濟困境的家庭

(2) 沒有親人照顧或被親人離棄的人士,例如沒子女的貧苦老人

(3) 問題家庭,(新來港或來自家暴) 單親家庭、失去雙親或未能接受政府援助或其援助不足以應付現時生活需要的家庭


Sunshine Action launched a new long term support program "Walk with Poverty , Deliver our warm heart in snowy weather – Half year food and living support program" from June 2011, which in purpose to cooperate with local registered NGO to seek those impoverished in need families or persons living under extremely tough conditions with less social support network, to tentatively receive 6 months food and living assistance to alleviate their financial burden, so they can turn the saved food purchase money for emergency purposes.



The selected potential cases guideline (cases must be under serious financial problem)

(1) With severe sickness, including Cancer, HIV/AIDS or some elderly illnesses which lead    to incapable to work or their family members total lost income because of full time special care to the sickness persons

(2) Without care from family members or being abandoned by the family, e.g elderly without offspring

(3) Families with problems, for instance (new immigrants or with violence) single parent families, leaving children orphaned or families not receiving or receiving insufficient government social welfare



A) 18 cases of HIV/AIDS愛滋病孤兒: These are HIV/AIDS orphans where either father, mother or both passed away. Sponsorship per Case HK$200/month

B) 10 cases of severely handicapped身體殘缺的病人: These are special patients without enough support from government or family members and impossible to continue working. Sponsorship per Case HK$200/month

C) 35 cases of poor students 救助家境清寒之學生: The students sponsorship include the food pack, milk powder and cash:  Sponsorship per Case HK$200/month.

D) 3 cases of Children with Leukemia that need Blood Transfusion per month: the 3 children need blood transfusion per month in Ho Chi Minh City. a) Nguyen Hoang Thien (boy) 1992 b) Nguyen Thi Cam Huong –1983 c) Nguyen Thi Cam Tu 1989. Sponsorship per Case HK$1,100/month


10 cases of Hydrocephalus from poor family: 水腦症是指腦室積水。人腦的構造除了一般常聽說的血液循環外,還有所謂腦脊髓液的循環。腦脊髓液像血液循環一樣,在大腦構造內是流通的。這方面在大腦的詳細構造,有所謂的「腦室」或是「腦池」,就像是水庫或是池塘一樣的構造。腦水在這些池塘或水庫是流動的,不是靜止的,腦水由腦中央的腦室,流過大腦的表面,以及腦池,然後在頭頂吸收。如果流通的路線被阻塞了,那麼水庫或是腦池的水會漲大起來,腦壓會升高,腦會受到壓迫,人就會變得反應遲鈍。Hydrocephalus (from Greek hydro-, meaning "water", and cephalé, meaning "head") is a medical condition in which there is an abnormal accumulation of cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) in the ventricles of the brain. This causes increased intracranial pressure inside the skull and may cause progressive enlargement of the head if it occurs in childhood, potentially causing convulsion, tunnel vision, and mental disability. It was once informally called "Water on the brain. Sponsorship per case HK$200/month

耀陽行動 Sunshine Action ltd. is completely operated by volunteers to ensure 100% contribution reach the target group.


The Faith & Commitment.不離不棄不捨的誓言 to serve the poorest, the unwanted, the sick, the hungry, the wounded, the unloved, the thirsty, the homeless...

852-6888 4028sunshine@sunshine-action.org

Sunshine Action Ltd is only based in Hong Kong & This is the only official Website.